About Berkey Water Filter System
Berkey Water Filter systems will now let you enjoy practically the Most Delicious, Freshest, and Healthiest drinking water possible for only pennies a day…
Natural Berkey Water Filter Systems are the ultimate in water filtration and the ideal personal protection and travelling companions. Used worldwide for normal, hostile and emergency environments to provide the filtered, sparkling clean water possible…
For generations, health-conscious people around the world have recognized that the foundation of a healthy life and healthy body is clean, fresh drinking water. This important essential molecule is the basis for enjoying your longest, healthiest life.
No amount of vitamins or supplements can substitute for the vital, life-sustaining properties found in nourishing, healthful drinking water. It is truly the foundation of life.
Unfortunately, securing your access to good tasting, sparkling, wholesome drinking water can be harder than you might expect. Water is often laced with chlorine, lead, high levels of harmful bacteria and other unwanted chemicals and contaminants. Frequently these produce unpleasant tastes and odours. Even bottled water can contain these same contaminants and moreover bottled water is very expensive. Other filtration systems are inferior.
Black Berkey® Elements included all Berkey Water Filter systems have been tested by accredited third-party labs that have reported that the elements exceed EPA and ANSI/NSF (Std. 53) protocol, and address over 200+ typical contaminants found in tap water and other freshwater sources. Berkey® Systems equipped with Black Berkey® Elements mechanically extract waterborne pathogens while dramatically reducing protozoa, trihalomethanes, inorganic minerals, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, VOCs, petroleum products, perfluorinated chemicals, rust, silt, sediment and even radiologicals.