Berkey® TIPS & FAQS
Berkey USA Troubleshooting Tips:
Priming Issues: Some spray head/custom faucets are not able to properly prime your Black Berkey® Element and Flouride & Arsenic Filters. If you are experiencing slow filtration after using a spray head/custom faucet to prime your Black Berkey® Element and Flouride & Arsenic Filters, re-prime the filters 10 minutes each using your bathtub or an alternate faucet to ensure a better connection and stronger water pressure.
How to Prime using the Prime Rite™ Universal Primer Click
How to Prime the Black Berkey® Elements Click
How to Prime and Install the Berkey PF-2™ Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements Click
Prime your Black Berkey® Elements anywhere! Please hold the Black Berkey® Elements very securely when priming.
- Before filtering water ensure the upper and lower chambers are completely empty of water
- Fully fill the upper chamber covering the Black Berkey® Elements approximately 1 inch from the top
- Use all the filtered water and empty out the lower chamber before starting the process again
Will a Berkey® system work with a water softener? The Black Berkey® Elements are designed to remove heavy metals, but will not remove mineral salts, which are added by the water softener. We highly recommend that you obtain pre-softened water to use in your Berkey® system.
You can use one of our Berkey® Water systems on a regular basis by bypassing your water softener to get your drinking water. Most water softeners have a bypass valve or way to get water before it passes through your softener. This is where you can obtain drinking water to run through our Berkey® Water system.
The water in the upper chamber of my Berkey® system does not drain all the way. Is this normal?
Yes, it is normal and not unusual for the last 1/2″ to 4″ of water to remain in the upper chamber. By design, the water must pass through very fine micropores within the elements in order to pass from the upper chamber to the lower. The lower the water level in the upper chamber, the lower the pressure available to force the water through the micropores. You might have noticed that the system filters much faster when full than when half full. That is because there is more pressure. During each cycle, the water left from the previous cycle mixes with the water from the current cycle and is then filtered. You should not be concerned about the excess water during normal use however if you discontinue using your Black Berkey®Elements for a period of time such as during a vacation, it would not hurt to empty the upper chamber before departing.
Water Filtration Speed: If you feel as though the water is filtering too slowly, please understand that the water will always filter faster when there’s more water pressure in the upper chamber. Also, priming the Black Berkey® Elements opens the pores up to allow water in. A priming that has not been fully completed will still have closed pores and thus filter slower. Try re-priming the filters to ensure priming has been fully completed.
Weird Taste to Water: If you’re noticing a chemical taste to the water without the use of PF-2 fluoride and arsenic filters, please perform a McCormick brand red food colouring test on the Black Berkey® Elements to ensure that all are working to specifications. If any test fail, please contact us. Also, try washing out the lower chamber with soap and water.
If using the Berkey PF-2 filters, Prime both ends for 6-10 minutes to make sure the manufacturing dust has been fully flushed out of these PF-2’s as this can cause cloudiness or oily texture to the filtered water and will leave an unpleasant taste.
Spigot Leaking: If leaking occurs around the washers of the spigot, make sure you have washers on both sides of the stainless steel. Tighten as much as you can and leave the spigot about 90 degrees out of phase. Then, grab onto the nut in the back with a wrench, and turn the spigot itself that last quarter turns using the spigot as leverage to get a tighter turn. If this is ineffective, please soak the washers in olive oil for approximately 1 hour. Sometimes the washers can dry out and get hard over time and the olive oil will soften them up allowing for a good seal.
Leaving the System Unused: If you leave the system unused for 5 days, it is recommended that any water left in the lower chamber be discarded. If you plan to leave the system unused for a period longer than 5 days such as a trip or vacation, it’s best to empty both reservoirs and leave them upside-down in the dish rack to dry. Remove your Black Berkey® Elements and your PF-2 fluoride filters, place them in baggies and put them in the refrigerator. When you come home, remove the filters and install them and they’re ready to filter. Leaving them for more than 5 days will start the drying process and you may have to prime them again when you return. Also placing the sealed bags in the refrigerator keeps them from drying and absorbing odours in your refrigerator. Upon your return, you will need to re-prime the Berkey water filter elements.
To store the Black Berkey® Elements, place them in a plastic Ziploc bag and get as much air as possible out of the bag. Be sure to store them in an area that is free of any odours or fragrances.
How should I store my Black Berkey® Elements and how long is their shelf-life?
It is best to empty both chambers before storing because anytime water is still it becomes stagnant, which means it can produce waterbourne pathogens. You may consider washing your chambers with soapy water before leaving them to dry. If you have used your elements, you should fully dry them before storing. We offer a tool to assist in both priming and purging. This tool is called a Black Berkey® Primer™. The benefit to purging the Black Berkey® Elements is that they are dried very quickly and cleaned at the same time. Another option for drying your elements is to leave them on a window sill for one to three days and allow them to air-dry. The key is to ensure they are bone-dry before storing them, to prevent any bacterial growth.
For long-term storage, we recommend sealing the Black Berkey® elements. This can be done with a storage bag such as a sealable sandwich bag. The elements are extremely powerful and can absorb odours and smoke from the air. By sealing them in a storage bag, they will not absorb any odours from the air. When you are ready to use your elements, they will need to be re-primed by lightly scrubbing them clean with a Scotch Brite pad or stiff brush.
To order our Black Berkey Primer™ please click here.
How should I store my Berkey PF-2™ filters?
If you have used your filters:
The Berkey PF-2™ filters can be stored in a refrigerator, the short term; but definitely don’t store them in a freezer. To do this, remove the filters from the system, place them into a sealable sandwich bag or container and place the filters in the refrigerator towards the front to ensure that they do not freeze.
If you do store them in a refrigerator, we recommend re-priming the Berkey PF-2™ filter, for up to 5-10 minutes each in both directions, before using them again.
The Berkey PF-2™ filters should not be allowed to air dry as this could allow some bacteria growth in the media to occur.
Due to the contents of the media in the Berkey PF-4™ filters, storage in a refrigerator is not recommended. Once use begins, the Berkey PF-4™ filters have a six-month life expectancy, regardless.
If you have never used your filters:
If the elements are unopened and in their original packaging, please ensure you do not store the Black Berkey® Elements in an area that also has strong smells to them, such as a laundry room or garage. The elements have carbon as one of their components so it is possible for them to absorb the odors of the room they are stored in. For example if they are stored in a laundry room, it is possible for the media in the filters to pick up the odor of highly fragranced items such as powdered laundry soap.
How should I clean my stainless steel chambers?
- Wash lower chamber once every 1-3 months with soapy dishwater.
- In areas with hard water, calcium scale may build up on spigot and chambers after prolonged use. To remove, soak affected part(s) in vinegar or a 50-50% mix of vinegar and water for about 15 minutes. Wipe away calcium scale with a ScotchBrite pad or soft brush then wash with soapy dishwater and rinse.
When and how do I clean the Black Berkey® Elements?
Black Berkey® Elements don’t necessarily need to be cleaned every time one cleans their Berkey® unit. However, this can vary depending on your area and water source. In certain areas, the water is much dirtier than normal, and will necessitate cleaning the elements more frequently; possibly even more than cleaning the rest of the system requires. If your water is muddy or really dirty we advise pre-filtering your water by running it through some type of cloth, ie: shirt, bed sheet, bandanna, etc. before putting it in your Berkey® Water system. While this isn’t necessary, doing so keeps the cleaning schedule for the elements down by collecting debris that may clog the pores of your Black Berkey® Elements.
When is it time to clean your filters?
- Cleaning the elements should be done when you experience a drastic slow down in your flow rate.
- You may consider cleaning your elements on a consistent basis. For example, every 6 months. The benefit to doing so is that you won’t experience a slow flow rate. Cleaning elements on a regular schedule is at your discretion. This is a suggestion, not a requirement.
How do you clean your filters?
- First, empty and disassemble the Black Berkey® Elements from the Berkey® unit.
- Use a cleaning pad similar to a Scotch Brite Pad or a stiff toothbrush and gently scrub the outside of the Black Berkey® Elements under cool running water.
- Re-prime the filters. If you’re not familiar with this process please visit our YouTube channel with step-by-step instructions, here.
- Reassemble the Black Berkey® Elements into the Berkey® unit.
If you are currently using a water softening system, we highly recommend that you obtain pre-softened water directly from the source rather than run softened water through your Black Berkey® Elements. Please click here, for more information regarding the use of the Berkey® Water System with softened water.
Berkey USA Frequently Asked Questions:
Beneficial Minerals Information
The technology utilized in the Black Berkey® Elements is designed not to remove ionic
minerals from the water. The elements are however, designed to remove sedimentary minerals.
Additionally, in order to reduce heavy metals, there are several types of media used in the proprietary
formulation that have a specific affinity for heavy metals. The best part is that the media used in the Black Berkey® Elements is designed to not remove all of the beneficial minerals. Because the media formulation does not have an affinity for beneficial minerals such as calcium and magnesium, these
minerals should pass right on through the elements.
*Beneficial minerals that are recommended for the human body are typically categorized into two different
Major Minerals: Minerals that are recommended in our diet at recommended amounts greater than
Trace Minerals: Minerals that are recommended in our diet at recommended amounts less than
For more information Click Here
Comparison of Berkey® Water Systems to Reverse Osmosis and Distillation
Healthfulness of Reverse Osmosis and Distillation-Based on current research, most health experts are no longer recommending drinking RO or distilled water on a long-term basis because these methods strip out all of the beneficial minerals from the water, making the water an acidic “hypotonic” solution. A chemist will tell you that when a hypotonic (de-mineralized) solution comes into contact with a “hypertonic” (mineralized) solution, the minerals within the hypertonic solution will transfer out of hypertonic solution and into the hypotonic solution until equilibrium is achieved. What this simply means is that when one drinks hypotonic water, the minerals in the blood and lymphatic system, which are hypertonic, transfer into the hypotonic RO or Distilled water that is consumed and the minerals are flushed out of the body upon urination. In an effort to re-mineralize, the blood and lymphatic systems then begin to scavenge for minerals from other parts of the body, such as bones and other organs, and this process repeats itself every time de-mineralized hypotonic water is re-consumed. Several studies suggest that people who drink de-mineralized water (hypotonic) over a long period of time tend to be more prone to degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis. Berkey® water systems do not remove all of the beneficial minerals from the water, but they do extract harmful heavy metals such as lead and mercury as well as sedimentary minerals such as iron oxide. Therefore, the TDS reading will not typically change much unless there are a lot of heavy metals or sedimentary minerals within the source water.
Pathological Removal Capability of a Reverse Osmosis System Reverse Osmosis does not remove Pathogenic bacteria and that is why it is often necessary to add an additional UV light to the system. However, the UV sometimes does not kill all the bacteria because any turbidity in the water can create shaded spots, preventing some bacteria from being exposed. Typically, the UV is installed before the bladder tank, however it is in the bladder tank that bacteria usually colonize. Therefore, if the bladder tank is not sterilized on a regular basis, it becomes a source of bacteriological contamination that is never exposed to UV. Additionally, the carcasses of the dead bacteria remain within the drinking water with an RO system, whereas they are removed by the Black Berkey® elements.
Cost and Maintenance RO systems typically are the most expensive due to the cost of the system and the additional expense to have the system plumbed in. Next in cost would be a Distillation unit. A Berkey® water system will typically be the least expensive of the three. With respect to cost per gallon of water, calculated upon the cost per gallon for replacement filters and energy costs, Distillation systems and RO systems that properly maintained typically cost between 35-65 cents per gallon. A Berkey® water system typically costs about 1.8 cents per gallon. All Berkey® water systems are easy to disassemble and clean. Typically the lower chamber should be washed in ordinary dishwater once per month. Distillation systems need to be soaked and cleaned with vinegar solution to remove the scale, typically after each gallon or two. Reverse Osmosis systems can have up to four filter elements, with each needing to be changed at differing intervals from four months up to two years. This requires that the water pressure be shut off and part or all of the system be disassembled for maintenance. Additionally, the bladder tank should be washed with a chlorine solution at six-month intervals to kill any colonizing bacteria.
What is the TDS reading of the purified water?
A TDS meter does not register much of a change between the pre-filtered water and the post-filtered water. This is normal, and the answer has to do with what a TDS meter actually measures. According to, “Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) are the total amount of mobile charged ions, including minerals, salts or metals dissolved in a given volume of water, expressed in units of mg per unit volume of water (mg/L), also referred to as parts per million (ppm). TDS is directly related to the purity of water and the quality of water purification systems and affects everything that consumes, lives in, or uses water, whether organic or inorganic, whether for better or for worse.”
This statement is both correct and incorrect. It is correct in what a TDS measurement consists of, namely the “total amount of mobile charged ions, including minerals, salts or metals dissolved in a given volume of water”. It is incorrect in its conclusion that TDS is related to the purity of the water and the quality of the water purification system. If the measure of a water purification system was how close it could make water to pure H2O, then maybe it would be correct. But, people need minerals to live. Thus, helpful minerals in your water are actually a good thing. A quality water purification system should filter out things that are harmful to your body but leave in the helpful things such as minerals. Black Berkey® Elements are designed to leave healthful and beneficial minerals in your water and to extract the unwanted heavy metals such as lead and mercury as well as sedimentary minerals such as iron oxide and aluminum.
So, when our customers use a TDS meter, what they find is that the reading both before and after the water has gone through the Black Berkey® Elements about the same. And they are correct. The Black Berkey® Elements do not take out all of the beneficial minerals. Thus, of the things that a TDS meter will actually detect, the Black Berkey® Elements will only remove the unwanted heavy metals such as lead and mercury as well as sedimentary minerals such as iron oxide and aluminum. Therefore, your TDS reading will not change much unless you have a significant amount of heavy metals or sedimentary minerals in your water.
A TDS meter does not measure the amount of biological and chemical contaminants. The important thing is to not simply rely on a TDS meter for your measure of whether your water is good. You can have low TDS count water that has harmful bacteria in it. You can have high TDS count water that is perfectly safe (e.g. – pure, unpolluted ocean saltwater…albeit, you wouldn’t drink it, but that’s only because the mineral is salt). Thus, make sure you know what your TDS meter is actually telling you.
Do your Black Berkey® Elements remove Glyphosate?
Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide and pesticide. Glyphosate is primarily released into the environment via runoff water and predominately applied as a spray for agricultural purposes. This contaminant has recently become the topic of discussion because of its association with acute or chronic exposure leading to various potential health issues or concerns. Black Berkey® Elements will reduce Glyphosate in your water by greater than 75%, exceeding the laboratories reporting limits. Please click here to view our Organic Test Results.
Do the Black Berkey® elements remove estrogen from water?
Black Berkey® elements have been successfully tested for reduction of several EDC’s; including Progesterone, Octylphenol, Nonylphenol, THMs and BPA. And, while estrogen and EE2 have not been specifically tested, the assumption is that these contaminants will also be removed from water, based on the reduction testing conducted on similar EDC’s. See testing link below:
While existing testing strongly indicates that the Black Berkey® elements will reduce estrogen, based on currently available information, Berkey does not have specific test data to that end. As such, we do not make a claim that the elements will reduce estrogen, only that indications are strong that Black Berkey® elements should do so.
Berkey USA ALWAYS recommends that you use the cleanest source of water available; however we understand that during emergencies a clean source of water may not be available.
When do I need to replace the Black Berkey® Elements in my system?
Use one of the 2 methods below:
Preferred Method
Take the number of Black Berkey® Elements in your system and multiply it by 3,000. This number will be the (Total Life) in gallons. Estimate the average amount of water you filter through your Berkey per day. This number will be the (Daily Use) in Gallons. Then simply divide the (Total Life) by the (Daily Use). This number represents how many days your filter will effectively treat your water before needing to replace them. As a reminder, with a permanent marker write the date that you calculated the need for Black Berkey® replacement elements on the bottom of your unit.
Example: If you have a Big Berkey with 2 Black Berkey® Elements and you used 2.2 gallons of water per day. You would multiply 2 (#of elements) by 3,000 = 6,000 gallons (Total Life), then divide 6,000 by 2.2 gallons (Daily use) = 2727 days the filters will last, That’s a little over 7 years!
- Each Black Berkey® Elements set has a filtration life of 6,000 Gallons = 45,000 16.9 fl oz water bottles!
- That’s retail cost of over $5600 for bottled water!
The Black Berkey® Elements in your unit will never stop working; the rate that the filters produce water will slow down, this is an indication that the filter needs to be cleaned. This brings us to the second method. If after cleaning your Black Berkey® Elements they do not filter any faster; it is time to replace them.
Do I need to replace the Black Berkey® Elements?
I have been using my system for about six months and the flow rate has slowed down considerably. No, unlike other filtration elements, Black Berkey® Elements are re-cleanable. What typically causes the filters to drip slowly is turbidity and sediment clogging the micro-pores of the Black Berkey® elements. Simply remove the elements from your system, and lightly scrub the exterior of the Black Berkey® elements under running water with a green scrub pad (3M or Scotch-Brite brand, etc.) or stiff toothbrush. It’s simple to do and takes less than a minute per element. Then re-prime each element and reinstall them.
How do the Black Berkey® Elements handle beneficial minerals in the water?
Why is my PH level higher after using the Black Berkey® Elements?
When water is filtered through our system, the Black Berkey® Elements increase the PH level of the water. This is healthful because waterborne pathogens thrive in acidic environments and have difficulty surviving in alkaline environments. An environment with more alkalinity does have a higher PH level. The PH level will depend on various factors including what the PH level of the pre-filtered water is.
What Colour is the priming button?
I just purchased a Berkey® system but didn’t receive a priming button. Instead, I think I received an extra black washer in the box. The instructions say to use the tan-coloured priming button. What gives?
Please check the box which held your Black Berkey® Elements. The box should contain two (2) elements. Attached to each element should be a rubber washer and a wing nut. Also in the boxes should be what could look like another single black rubber washer. This is your priming button. It is thicker than the washer and the center hole is smaller. This black priming button can easily be confused with a washer; so we asked the manufacturer to change the colour of the priming button back to tan.
Do your filters take out plastic from the water?
There are various plastic materials that can be leeched into the water and the most common are BPA ( Bisphenol A) and 1,1-Dichloroethane (11-DCA). The Black Berkey® Elements have been tested to remove both of these plastic materials. Please refer to our lab testing results by Click Here
What is the Aluminum Oxide media in our Berkey PF-2™Fluoride & Arsenic Filters? Click Here
We are on well water. Do we need to add the PF-2 filter elements?
No. The Berkey PF-2™Fluoride & Arsenic Filters should only be used if you are on city water, you have confirmed with your city that they are adding fluoride to the water and you want to remove the fluoride. The PF-2 elements are not needed if you are on spring water.
Is there a way to test my Berkey water system to make sure it is working properly?
Yes. You can test the Black Berkey® Elements by filling the upper chamber with water and then adding 2 drops of McCormick red food colouring for every gallon of water within your upper chamber. Be sure to use red as no other colour of food colouring will work. If the food colouring is removed entirely, your system is working properly. If not, make sure the wingnuts on the filters are securely tightened then re-run the test. If you have the PF-2 fluoride filters installed, remove them prior to performing the red dye test.
Can I purify saltwater in my Berkey?
No, this will damage the filters. Removing large amounts of salt from water such as seawater generally requires some form of a distillation system.
Can I run HOT water through my Berkey?
No, this can damage the filters
Do Black Berkey elements remove Fluoride?
Not by themselves, but with the addition of the PF-2 fluoride filter, they will remove about 95%.
I installed my Berkey PF-2 fluoride filters but my water is a bit cloudy, and why does it have a bad taste?
Insufficient conditioning (priming) of the Berkey Pf-2 Fluoride filters may result in an undesirable taste and/or cloudiness in the water. The odd taste is from process dust that may not have been washed free from the filters during the conditioning process. Please remove the PF-2 fluoride filters and prime them again for no less than 6-10 minutes (longer may be needed) on both ends. This should remove any residual process dust and fix the problem.
What is the most convenient method for filling the upper reservoir?
Most people use a pitcher to pour water into the upper chamber, however if you have a spray hose on your sink, using it to refill the system is a very convenient method.
I can’t get the Berkey Light chambers to snap together, am I doing something wrong?
Please make sure you are aligning the seams, as most of the systems will not snap together unless the seams are aligned. If that doesn’t solve the problem, please measure the opening on the lower chamber from seam to seam. The diameter should be at least 7 15/16″ or greater. If it is less than that please call our customer service line at 888-803-4438.
I have found that when I boil the water or freeze it into ice cubes, I sometimes get little white floating things in the water.
With respect to the little white floaters in the water, it is not bacteria but rather a problem that sometimes occurs with hard (heavily mineralize) water. When the PH level of the purified water is raised, the acidity of the water goes down and the water is no longer able to hold as many minerals in solution. When this happens the minerals begin to precipitate out over time and depending on the mineral composition they will either sink to the bottom or float to the top. This process is known as flocculation and the precipitated minerals are usually referred to as “white floaters”. The bottom line is that this is nothing to be concerned about, the white floaters are minerals that were already in your water; they are now simply visible whereas they were previously invisible due to their suspension in an ionic form.
What are your Berkey Sight Glass™ Spigots made out of?
The stopper, shell, nut, and washer for our Standard Spigots and Sight Glass Spigots are made of the following materials:
The stopper inside is “FDA grade silicone”
The shell/nut is FDA-grade polypropylene.
The washers are FDA-grade rubber.
The Sight Glass Spigot tubes are a buffed aluminum gauge shield with an insert tube. The small washers in the top and bottom of the tube to the Sight Glass Spigot are FDA grade Rubber.
Red Food Colour Test
Just what is the “red” food colouring test and why do I have to perform this test on my system?
First and most important, the “red” food coloring test is only for the Black Berkey® Elements and not the ceramic filters, Pf2 and Pf4 fluoride and arsenic filters, or other filter elements that do not filter out food color. This test is also not recommended for the Sport Berkey™ Water Bottle. Your Black Berkey® Elements are powerful enough to remove food coloring from water; this feature allows you to make sure your system is operating properly. Simply remove your PF-2™ Post Filter elements (if installed) fill the upper chamber with water and add a tablespoon of red food coloring per gallon capacity of your system. If the food coloring is removed entirely, your Berkey water system is working properly.
What else could be happening if my Black Berkey® Elements seem to be allowing “red” food coloring to pass through them?
There are several things that you can check first.
1. Are the wingnuts too tight? If the wingnuts are on too tight, this could cause stripping on the threads of the stem, preventing a correct seal. If you have inadvertently stripped the threads on your element, please call Berkey Customer Support for additional assistance, 1-888-803-4438.
2. Are you using actual “red” food coloring or another color or type of color? McCormick Brand Red food coloring is what is recommended for the test.
3. Is the washer on the stem inside the upper chamber and is the wing nut secured outside at the bottom? If the washer is on the outside of the chamber with the wing nut, you will not have a proper seal which will cause your system to fail the test. Place the washer on the interior of the upper chamber and re-run the test.
4. Is the wing nut tight on each element? If your system fails the test, tighten the wing nuts a bit more and re-run the test. However, please do not tighten the wing nuts using any tools, they should be hand tightened to a snug fit, but not more.
5. Are the blocking plugs properly sealing the unused holes without elements? Are the plugs installed tight with a washer on each side? If the plugs are leaking this will cause your system to fail the test. Tighten the plugs more securely and re-run the test.
6. Are you retesting an element that you think may have failed the test? If so, rinse off and re-prime the element first. Additionally, make sure you pour any excess water out of the bottom tank or whatever you are using to catch the water coming out of the element. Also, if you are using the lower chamber to catch water, run clean water through the spigot to clean it out as well. Now you are ready to repeat the test.
Can I clean the filter in my Sport Berkey™ filtration bottle?
Unfortunately, the Sport Berkey™ filter is not cleanable. Replacement filters, however, are available.
I have a Sport Berkey™ filtration bottle, does it work the same as a regular Sport Berkey™ filtration bottle? Yes, both systems function identically; the only difference is the generic version has no silk-screening on the exterior of the bottle. The generic versions of the Sport Berkey™ filters have been designed for organizations, such as missionaries and relief organizations, wherein it is critical to keep their costs to a minimum.
Can I put my Sport Berkey™ filtration bottle in the refrigerator?
Yes, you can refrigerate the Sport Bottle, just don’t let it freeze as freezing could expand the pores within the filter element and could compromise the integrity of the filter element.
I am having difficulty drawing water out of the straw of my new Sport Berkey™ filtration bottle. Is something wrong? On occasion, the straw in the cap becomes pinched. Many times you can actually see where the straw has become stuck together internally. You can fix this very simply by doing the following:
-Open the cap so the straw is sticking up. -Grasp the straw with your thumb and index finger, at the point where the straw exits the cap. -Gently pull the straw out slightly, at the same time rotating the part of the straw that comes in contact with the cap, between your finger and thumb. -This should open the straw up, allowing you to use your new Sport Berkey™ water bottle.
Is the Sport Berkey™ filtration bottle just as powerful as the larger Berkey® systems?
There is a slight difference. The Sport Berkey™, to our knowledge, is the most powerful sport bottle available. However, because the wall thickness of the filter is thinner than the wall thickness of the Black Berkey™ elements, it is slightly less efficient. I doubt, however, that you would be able to discern much of a difference with normal water supplies. If you were to put red food coloring into the water and run it through the Sport Berkey™ bottle, most of the food coloring will be removed. If you were to run it through the Black Berkey® Elements, the food coloring would be removed entirely.
Do you make a fluoride reduction filter for the Sport Berkey™ filtration bottle?
Unfortunately, we do not make fluoride reduction filters for the Sports bottle. Fluoride is very difficult to extract once it has been introduced into the water supply and it requires a large amount of media to remove just a small amount of fluoride. Currently, it would require that most of the room within the sport bottle be used for a fluoride filter leaving next to no room for the source water. Until a more powerful media is developed, it seems to us that it will be unfeasible to develop a fluoride reduction filter for the sport bottle. We do however make fluoride reduction filters for our larger systems because we have more room with which to work.
I am leaving the USA for a third world country; can the Sport Berkey™ filtration bottle be used instead of bottled water?
Yes, the Sport Berkey™ was designed for use in third world countries and can be used instead of commercial bottled water. The Sport Berkey™ is used worldwide by missionaries and relief organizations to transform otherwise unpotable water into potable drinking water. We always recommend, however, that you use the cleanest water possible as this extends the life of the filters. You may also want to consider ordering several replacement filter elements to bring along with you. These will come in handy in the event that you are forced to rely on very turbid water that can more easily clog the filter elements.
Can I filter boiling water through the Sport Berkey™ filtration bottle for making hot tea?
Hot water can break down the filter element and compromise its efficiency so we recommend that you first filter the source water through the Sport Berkey™ filtration bottle then afterwards boil the filtered water for your tea.
Is the Berkey Light® system BPA Free?
In the past, the Berkey Light® system was made of food grade polycarbonate that has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. Some research suggests that polycarbonate have been known to leach BPA (Bisphenol-A) when either exposed to High Strength Industrial Grade Alkaline Detergents or when they are repeatedly exposed to temperatures in excess of 192 degrees Fahrenheit (over 88 degrees Celsius); neither of which occurs when utilizing the Berkey Light® system.
New studies concerning the possible leaching of BPA are ongoing. There has also been a wealth of misinformation circulated over the airwaves and the Internet. The FDA stated in April 2008 that it was not recommending anyone discontinue using products that contain BPA while they continue their risk assessment process.
Even with such statements from the FDA, New Millennium Concepts determined that it was in the best interest of our customers to utilize an alternative to the polycarbonate previously used to produce the Berkey Light™ system. Fortunately, in 2008, a new product was developed that is BPA FREE. New Millennium replaced the polycarbonate material with this new material to alleviate any concerns that our customers might potentially have. Not only is this copolyester highly durable and dishwasher safe, it is also scratch, stain, shatter and odor-resistant.
PLEASE NOTE: Over the past year there has been an increasing concern over containers that contain the recycle code #7. The recycle code found on the bottom of plastic containers are called “Resin Identification Codes“. Polycarbonate is simply one type of plastic that falls under the code #7. Code #7 is a catchall code that basically means “Other” and most products that do not fit into categories #1 through #6 are placed into category #7. It is also for products that are made from more than one type of plastic in category #1 through #6. The new copolyester that the Berkey Light® system utilizes is also categorized into #7 although it is not a polycarbonate and does not contain any BPA.